Face Wash Twice a Day
We recommend adding a gentle cleanser to your skincare routine for summer
Choice of Products
Choose foaming cleansers instead of cleansing creams and oils because they are lightweight and gentler on the skin.
Inclusion of Antioxidants
To further level up your summer skincare routine we suggest integrating an antioxidant, preferably in serum form
Exfoliate & Wear Sunscreen
Inarguably the most crucial step in your summer skincare routine, SPF shields your skin against harmful UV radiation.
It is integral to weave in a moisturiser during this season considering its application retains adequate moisture in the skin.
Drink Water & Eat Right
It is not a hidden fact that our body constitutes water in a huge amount to work and process efficiently.
Aloe Vera
It can help remove dirt, damaged and dead cells, and prevents acne on your face.
Turmeric Mask
Turmeric is not just a cosmetic ingredient, it’s an overall skin remedy
Yogurt & Honey
It's known to gently lighten your skin tone, lessen spots, and make uneven skin look better. It also keeps your skin moist.